We Get the Biology Right!
Providing the beneficial bacteria necessary
to help plants thrive and keep your water clean.
Always ecologically and
economically sound.
Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi

We Believe
Our goal is to manufacture products that act in concert with nature. By getting the biology right, growers can provide their plants with an ideal environment so the plants thrive, diseases dwindle, pests retreat, and overall productivity increases.
We believe all farming needs to be sustainable, and understand the only sustainable form of farming comes from products that are economically viable – if it’s not profitable, it is certainly not sustainable.
These are our passions and the driving forces behind the design of our products.
PureAg Products
There are a multitude of micro-organisms in every handful of soil. If...
Green Chemistry
PureAg Green Chemistry focuses on the design and implementation of chemical technologies,...
Blog posts
Transitioning your Turf for Fall
PureAg offers a range of biological control products designed to address common fall turf issues on golf courses, such as frost damage, thatch build-up, disease pressure, leaf litter, cooler temperatures,...
Transitioning your Turf for Fall
PureAg offers a range of biological control products designed to address common fall turf issues on golf courses, such as frost damage, thatch build-up, disease pressure, leaf litter, cooler temperatures,...
Sustainable Inputs that Work!
Our underlying principle is the healthier the plant, the less susceptible it is to disease and weed invasion. Healthy soils are key. Herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides themselves are contributors to...
Sustainable Inputs that Work!
Our underlying principle is the healthier the plant, the less susceptible it is to disease and weed invasion. Healthy soils are key. Herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides themselves are contributors to...
Biologic Farming | A solution to skyrocketing N...
With the rising costs of chemical NPK inputs, it’s the perfect time to explore the advantages of augmenting your inputs with biology. Biologic inputs are very inexpensive and the results...
Biologic Farming | A solution to skyrocketing N...
With the rising costs of chemical NPK inputs, it’s the perfect time to explore the advantages of augmenting your inputs with biology. Biologic inputs are very inexpensive and the results...