Sustainable Inputs that Work!

Sustainable Inputs that Work!

Our underlying principle is the healthier the plant, the less susceptible it is to disease and weed invasion. Healthy soils are key. Herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides themselves are contributors to disease. When you’re killing fungi, you set yourself up for fungal pathogens and when you spray pesticides or nematicides you encourage invasions. The longer the use of commercial chemical inputs, or misuse, the more profound the problem. Aside from the benefits of fertile, active soil there are direct benefits drawn from the individual species of bacteria that attack and combat the chemical effects of commercial inputs. 

PureAg has developed a complete line of reliable organic inputs for soil fertility, and thrive, that combat the myriad of diseases, insects and weeds growers encounter.

Chemical based inputs simply impoverish soils and destroy ecological balances. While all this may be an extreme view, the need for undoing the ecological problems of chemical agriculture and introducing more sustainable patterns is critical to our future. Mother Nature is after all not only the designer of the systems but the supplier of the cures.


A unique and powerful bio-pesticide containing Bacillus Thuringiensis (three unique strains), Metarhizium Anisopliae and Beauveria Bassiana (fungi).

Bacillus Thuringiensis is the most widely used microbial insecticide. It consists of a spore, which gives it persistence, and a protein crystal with the spore, which is toxic. 

When Metarhizium Anisopliae and Beauveria Bassiana come in contact with the body of an insect host, they germinate and the hyphae that emerge penetrate the cuticle. The fungus develops inside the body eventually killing the insect.


This bio-fungicide gives the beneficial microbes in the bio-fungicide a chance to colonize, enabling them to out-compete and/or attack the pathogen – successfully defending the plant against disease. Quite literally, the beneficial microbes attack and feed off the invading fungi.

The beneficial soil micro-organisms help recycle soil nutrients, solubilize vital nutrients (such as phosphorus), and provide plant growth hormones (phytohormones), which help improve overall soil quality.


A beneficial bacteria with broad spectrum properties, including the production of antibiotics and/or enzymes. These exudates adversely affect and essentially kill pathogenic fungi. In their weakened state, the pathogens are far more susceptible to the other vegetative bacteria.

Bacillus species tolerate extreme environments such as high pH, high temperature, excessive salt and drought.


Our active ingredients are naturally occurring fungi Phaecilomyes Lilacinus, and Pochonia Chlamydosporis. These fungi parasitize eggs to acquire additional nourishment. Eggs and infectious juveniles are particularly susceptible.

Spores of the fungus adhere to the bodies of nematodes as they move through the soil. The spores germinate and penetrate the nematodes, killing them by feeding on the nematodes body content. This innovative combination enhances root health and helps establish strong plant growth.

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