Turfgrass Diseases

Turfgrass Diseases

Sustainable Organic Golf

Golf turf maintenance represents a pinnacle of horticultural care. Implementing best management practices significantly reduces environmental risks. Our ongoing goal is to develop products with reduced toxicity, mobility, and persistence. While superintendent skills and awareness have grown, the industry still lacks truly "organic" solutions.

At PureAg, we've introduced a comprehensive range of bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-nematicides as reliable organic alternatives for turf health and sustainability. Additionally, we've devised pest management products and protocols to supplant current solutions for combating diseases, insects, and weeds.

Promoting organic golf should be the foremost objective for the golf course industry. Golf courses play a crucial role in urban landscape conservation and serve as invaluable community assets that must accommodate diverse interests.

CLICK HERE for a quick reference guide to some of the most troubling turf issues and some suggested biologic solutions.