Microbiology | Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi

Microbiology | Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi

Biologic Solutions to Chemical Farming

PureAg has developed a complete line of bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-nematicides as reliable organic inputs for soil fertility and thrive. Our line of products and protocols can replace chemical products currently used to combat your myriad of diseases, insects and weeds.

PureAg products begin with specifically selected bacteria that have been isolated from highly fertile soils and exhibit the optimum ability to produce enzymes. They must also adapt to many different soil conditions and provide unique abilities to fix both atmospheric and synthetic (chemical) nitrogen. PureAg takes these organisms and custom ferments (laboratory grown) under aseptic conditions to provide pure cultures. We then blend in the secondary micro-biologic species to insure a wide spectrum of soil bacteria and fungi.

When these cultures are combined with other soil amendments and applied to the soil, indigenous bacteria multiply and grow very rapidly. As the biological health of the soil improves, minerals become more available to the plants and uptake is increased. In the case of nitrogen utilization, volatilization (gaseous escape) is greatly reduced and the leaching (run off and seepage into the water-table) is almost eliminated.

Reducing Fertilizer Costs with Microbiology

We know every year it takes more time and money to produce the same crop. After a few irrigations, the water is running off as fast as you put it on due to compacted and tight soil. Your fertilizer recommendations are higher this year than they were last year. PureAg products can help rebuild your soil, improve water penetration and make fertilizers more available, helping to reduce this never ending cycle.

Our products are fully loaded soil conditioners. Each product is designed to stimulate biological humus development in all soil types. The microbes aerate soils, which increases water penetration and retention. They also reduce soil clodding, buffer salts, and aid in the decomposition of organic residue. The secondary advantages are chelating nutrients for easier plant uptake and encouraging root growth and depth penetration.

Complexing of these products for either direct spray application or fertigation through the irrigation system has a number of benefits. It increases the availability of the nutrients being applied, as well as the plants ability to take in nutrients. The process of complexing is accomplished as certain organic acids, carbons, and enzymes are added to the fertilizers prior to, during, or just after being applied. This process also reduces leaching and increases vitalization of these nutrients, making them more available for the plant.

Our underlying principle is that the healthier the crop, the less susceptible it is to disease and weed invasion. Healthy soils are key. Nature cannot tolerate a vacuum and will adapt negatively or insufficiently to combat disease. The longer the use of commercial chemical inputs, or misuse, the more profound the problem. Aside from the benefits of fertile, active soil there are direct benefits drawn from the individual species of bacteria that attack and combat the chemical effects of commercial inputs.